
Guide Lines for Parents

Parents are expected to co-operate with the school in enforcing regularity and discipline in the children seeing that they prepare for their classes at home and take active interest in the activities of the school.

The parents are requested to observe the following rules to monitor their child’s progress in the school.

  • To see the books, note-books and home tasks daily.
  • To keep a track of teacher’s remarks in the diary and sign the messages.
  • To meet the class teacher on Open Day.
  • To attend all parent-teacher meetings.
  • To notify the school immediately about the change in address or telephone number of parents/local guardian or emergency contact person.

  • To keep the child at home if he/she is suffering from any contagious disease. Your child can attend the school only with a doctor’s fitness certificate. The following period of isolations is recommended.
  • Measles: 5days after the rash disappears.
  • Mumps: 1 week after the swelling subsides.
  • Chickenpox: Till the blisters dry and fall off.
  • Conjunctivitis: Till no white discharge comes out of the eyes.
  • Not to send the sick child to school even if there is a test.
  • Not to give money or expensive items to the student.
  • Not to take children during school hours unless it is an emergency.
  • Not to walk in to class rooms during school hours.