
Annual Report

A very good afternoon one and all present here. I once again heartily welcome you all for the Annual fest of St Johns school of Excellence -CBSE and I would like to thank you all for responding to our invitation and gracing this occasion.I am indeed honoured to have this opportunity to present before you consistent upward graph of our school’s achievements and I would like to thank each one of you for being a significant part of this glorious journey. The Annual Report showcases the achievements and glories of our school undoubtedly, but also makes us think deeply about our shortcomings. We have always been committed to create an environment in the school which helps the young minds to blossom and provide a platform for individual thinking and holistic development of the child’s personality. We set standards and goals for ourselves and strive to achieve them be it in the area of academics, co-scholastic activities, discipline, leadership and more.

Investiture Ceremony

Our student council members were officially sworn in a very impressive way for investiture ceremony on September. The school Correspondent and both the principals were led by the VIP call to the school auditorium and the leaders were bestowed with badge and sashe. We honoured each class monitors with the badge.

Independence Day

The 75th Independence Day of our nation was celebrated in our school and it helped students to develop patriotism in their minds.

The program reminded us we should never forget the sacrifice and courage of our great leaders during the freedom struggle. The students dressed up like national leaders and showcased their talents.

Teacher’s Day Celebration

Teacher’s Day was celebrated with great enthusiasm on September 5th . Besides a special assembly, a cultural programme including dance music and several programmes were staged by students and the whole school rose in thunderous applause as the event came to an end. Students acknowledged the hard, dedicated, and devoted service of teachers. On behalf of students the student council got together planned and presented each teacher with a coffee mug with their photos. The teachers felt acknowledged and honoured for their hard work.

Children’s Day celebration

We celebrated children’s day with great exuberance and pride. The students enjoyed the programmes presented by teachers like dance, song and drama portraying the student’s nature and their character through an act. The smile on each and every student’s face made our lives fulfilled.

Christmas Spectacular

The entire school vibrated with the echoes of christmas carols sung by the school choir. The school was decorated with Christmas tree and with stars. We had a Christmas celebration in the school auditorium. Christmas Spectacular program was organised and presented by our brother Benny John Joseph son of our correspondent Mrs. Rachel Joseph & Director Mr. Joseph Reginald Isaac on Dec10, 2022 in Kamaraj Arangam Chennai. The school has many students who not only excel in academics but also in the area of Dance and Music. A lot of them have already performed on stage to the outside world where we live streamed on YouTube channel breakthrough worship.

A special thanks to our Director Sir and Correspondent ma’am for giving us the opportunity to go live on your channel.

Republic Day Celebrations

The school celebrated Republic Day with patriotic fervour. Music and Dance performances and fancy-dress competitions on community helpers and a patriotic mime was staged by students followed by the hoisting of national flag. The students were aware of the significance of the day where they shared a few words for the questions asked.

“ ALL Work and NO Play makes Jack a Dull Boy” . The school has organized one day picnic program for the students. The students of Kg to grade8 enjoyed to the fullest in amusement park rides. This was one day when all the teacher and the students together collectively had all the fun.

Ideal Abacus Competitions

To promote the competitive spirit and to bring out the talent of the students We encouraged our students to participate in All India Talent Examination for different streams like grammar hunt, art, write well, dance and handwriting competitions conducted and organized by Ideal play abacus. Our students have won the state level achievement in such competitions. It has been a great privilege to be honoured. Schools in Chennai have participated and we are one among those 18 schools for the state level is really a remarkable one. Ideal Abacus has not only encouraged students they also honoured the principals of the school with a trophy.

I would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the parents Our well-wishers who have lent a supportive hand down through the year, in all our endeavours to produce a confident, educated, and capable batch of students each year. Thus, shaping the future of your children who are the destiny of this country. On this memorable occasion as we recount our success with pride and happiness, we wish to dedicate all our achievements to the Sincere efforts of committed team of faculty of St. Johns school of Excellence. My special thanks to the management who have always been supportive.

I would like to end the annual report with a quote-

"Don't tell us sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon"!
